Recent News

Our office is OPENED to the public. You can make payments at the dropbox, online or our new payment service by phone.  The number to our telephone bill pay is 1-844-967-7007.  If you have any questions please feel free to contact us at (318) 256-6489 or (318) 472-9581.

Reminder: All payments are due on the 15th of each month. Disconnect date is the 20th of each month. This policy will be strictly inforced.

Our Office Hours are 8:00 am to 4:30 pm Monday - Friday.  We are closed for lunch from 12:30 pm to 1:30 pm. 

Meetings: Our Board meetings are held on the 1st Tuesday and 3rd Tuesday of every month at 5 P.M. . Each meeting will be held in the Board room at the Water District office located at 660 Hwy 171 Bypass, Many, LA.

The Public is invited to attend any of our meetings.




In 1991, EPA published a regulation to control lead and copper in drinking water. This regulation is known as the Lead and Copper Rule (also referred to as the LCR).

As a public water system, Sabine...

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